Civic Activists from 90 Countries Gather at the Clean World Conference to Stand Up Against the Waste Pollution
It is on! The Clean World Conference 2018 has started. Civic activists from about 90 countries will gather in Estonia’s capital, Tallinn on the 25th–28th of January to prepare for one of the most ambitious grassroots initiative in the world.
This year, on the 15th of September, 150 countries will unite to stand up against the ever growing waste pollution and organize massive cleanup actions on the same day, including tens of millions of volunteers.
Billion tonnes of trash reaches our nature every year, causing serious threat to people, wildlife, soil, water and air. The World Cleanup Day serves the purpose of calling the public, decision makers and all citizens alike, to take real action in solving the waste problem.
Please find more information about the program and speakers of the Clean World Conference here.
Join the conference via FB Live broadcasts.
World Cleanup Day: www.worldcleanupday.org
Let’s Do It Foundation & the movement: www.letsdoitworld.org
Source: www.letsdoitworld.org